«I want to sleep like»
Performance by
Gregory Hari, Martina Buzzi, Monika Stalder
Samstag, 21. September 2019
19:30 – 20:30 Uhr
Anlässlich der Jurierungspause des Performancepreises Schweiz 2019 im Aargauer Kunsthaus performen Gregory Hari, Martina Buzzi & Monika Stalder auf Einladung von U5 im Kunstraum Aarau.
I want to sleep like…
is a performance by Swiss artists Gregory Hari, Martina Buzzi & Monika Stalder.
Each artist represents a chapter, dedicated to a certain way of sleeping. In this collectively developed performance, the artists researched in the fields of botany, biology and pop culture.
Do plants actually sleep?
How does a sperm whale sleep?
And how many years did sleeping beauty sleep?